*130,26 A frog has muscles attached to most bones in its body; it couldn't move without muscles. >S(21),139,131 *131,26 The muscle you removed comes from the abdominal wall. >S(21),139,132 *132,26 A frog's body contains over 200 skeletal muscles. >S(21),139,133 *133,26 Many of them are attached to the bones in pairs, each moving the bone in the opposite way. >B(21),139,136 >E(21),139,134 *134,26 In addition to skeletal muscles, the frog has cardiac muscles and smooth muscles. >E(21),139,135 *135,26 These are "involuntary," not voluntarily controlled by the frog. >E(21),139,136 *136,26 Frog and human muscles are a lot alike. Both are made up of thousands of tiny fibers. >B(20),139,0 >E(21),139,137 *137,26 Frog muscles and its skeleton are adapted in ways that humans are not. One kind of African frog can jump 14 feet. >E(21),139,138 *138,26 The human record for a standing jump is 11 feet, 11 3/4 inches. >E(20),139,0 *139,46 Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. >S(01),0,140 *140,46 When the muscle contracts, it pulls the bone in the direction of the contraction. >S(00),0,0 *1000